Polling lessons part of their syllabus now

Bangalore :

Nagaratnamma, 55, is usually taught basic arithmetic and the Kannada alphabet at her village, 7km off Hoskote and 25km from Bangalore. Of late, she’s been getting lessons in class on how to use the electronic voting machine, the importance of casting one’s franchise and the rights of a voter.

The Election Commission of India has signed an MoU with National Literacy Mission Authority on educating illiterate adults on electoral matters. Electoral literacy is a subject in classes conducted under the Saakshar Bharat Programme, and with the big poll battle drawing closer, it’s being taught extensively across Karnataka.

To make classes fun, instructors plan to use aids like posters, books, slogans, SMS messages, radio jingles and songs. Posters will be put up at learning centres in gram panchayats, jaatas and group discussions will be organized, school and community-level meetings on the topic will be encouraged. Apart from electoral literacy, financial literacy, disaster management and legal literacy have also been added to the syllabus.

The prerak – class coordinator at the gram panchayat level – has to ensure that adults are registered as voters. In case someone is yet to be enrolled, the coordinator has to contact booth-level officers. Preraks are also tasked with the responsibility of educating villagers on the documents required to get themselves enrolled.

“It is not easy to make villagers understand the importance of elections. The general belief is that one vote will not make a difference. We need to make them get over this feeling,” said BH Kamraj, a prerak from Doddagataginabbi, off Hoskote.

The State Resource Centre, Mysore, has prepared the training manual and teaching materials. “Our goal is simple. We want everyone to vote. It’s not just about casting your vote, but also being informed about ethical voting. People should understand that good governance comes from the choices they make. They should be aware of whom they support. Voting percentage in Rajasthan and Chattisgarh surged after EC launched the adult education programme. We hope to bring about change here as well,” said Basavaraj Devanoor, programme coordinator, materials and media unit, SRC.


-How to vote

-How to use EVM

-What is a voter ID

-How to register

-What documents do you need

-Who is a people’s representative

-What are democratic rights

-Rights of a voter

-Importance of voting

source: http://www.timesofindia.indiatimes.com / The Times of India / Home> City> Bangalore> Namma Metro / by Sruthy Susan Ullas, TNN / February 26th, 2014

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