Attur-Karkala: Bishop of Mangalore solemnizes the Annual Feast of St. Lawrence Shrine


Bishop of Mangalore, Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius P. D’Souza as the chief celebrant solemnized the annual feast of St. Lawrence on Wednesday, 29 January 2014 at 10.30 am. He was joined by Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese, Rev. Dr. Baptist Menezes, Vicar General of Udupi, Rev. Fr. Denis D’Sa, PRO of the Udupi Diocese, Rev. Fr. George D’Souza, Rector of St. Lawrence Shrine and a number of other priests from Udupi and Mangalore Dioceses. Unprecedented crowd participated in the feast mass.


In his homily on the theme of the annual feast “Christian Families-Cradle of Faith”, Bishop Aloysius D’Souza  specially mentioned the three basic principles of a good Christian family that were put forward by the present Pope, Francis  addressing families from 95 countries of the world when they had gone to Vatican on a pilgrimage. These three basic principles are: Prayer, Faith in family and Happiness in the family.

Elaborating these three basic principles, Bishop Aloysius D’Souza said that  family prayer especially reciting Rosary by all the members of the family together fosters the sense of unity in the family. Faith is the important factor in family life. Further he said that the faith should be like the faith that was expressed by St. Paul and Christians should bear witness to the faith that they profess. Regarding the happiness in family, Bishop said that modern gadgets would not provide lasting happiness to the family members. People should find happiness through unity and togetherness where God finds a place within the family. The Bishop further said that correcting mistakes of children is an obligation of the parents. Giving the example of the Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph and Mary, Bishop Aloysius D’Souza said that Jesus should be the model for the 3 children whereas Joseph and Mary should be models for parents.



At the end of the Feast Mass, one book in Konkani titled “Sant Loresachim Dhirvim” (Treasures of St. Lawrence) and informative pamphlet on the history of the Shrine of St. Lawrence written by George Castelino, recipient of National Award for Best Teacher were released by Bishop Aloysius P. D’Souza along with the Bishop of Udupi, and Vicar General. Bishop of Mangalore also honoured George Castelino with a shawl and bouquet of flowers. Steven and Florine Mendis, proprietors of the Divine Channel and producers of the film on the life of St. Lawrence were also felicitated by the Bishop of Mangalore.

Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo honoured Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius P. D’Souza by offering him shawl and Rev. Fr. George D’Souza offered him a bouquet of flowers as a sign of respect to the Bishop of Mangalore who obliged the diocese as the chief celebrant of the solemn annual feast mass.
Earlier in the morning at 8.30 am, most Rev. Dr. Lawrence Makkuzzi, Bishop of Belthangady offered Holy Mass in Malayalam language. The Bishop of Udupi Gerald Lobo accompanied the Bishop of Belthangady to the altar. Rev. Fr. George D’Souza, Rector of the shrine welcomed the Bishop of Beltahngady and offered him a bouquet of flowers. This was the first time that a Bishop offered mass in the Malayalam language in the Shrine of St. Lawrence. Quite a large number of people attended the mass. The choir and the faithful participated in the singing.


There has been continuous flow of pilgrims to the shrine throughout the day. Masses for the benefit of the pilgrims have been arranged right from 12.30 pm till 11.30 pm including one at 5 pm in English and another at 8.30 pm in Kannada.

source: / / Home> News / by Dr. Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle / Bellevision Media Network / Karkala – January 29th, 2014

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