Dheemantha Kannadigaru book released

2-day book expo begins at Kalamandira

Mysore University International Centre Director Prof. R. Indira (third from left) releasing the book Dheemantha Kannadigaru at a function held at Suchitra Art Gallery in Kalamandira here this morning. Others seen are (from left) Indira Sundar, publisher Gowri Sundar, Star of Mysore Editor-in-Chief K.B. Ganapathy, author N. Anandaram Rao and theatre artiste Rajashekhar Kadamba.

Mysore, Nov. 30

Dheemantha Kannadigaru, a Kannada book portraying the outstanding achievements of 25 Kannadigas, was released at a function this morning, held at Suchitra Art Gallery in Kalamandira on Hunsur road here.

Mysore University International Centre Director Prof. R. Indira, who released the book, praised the Publisher Gowri Sundar of Sundara Prakashana, Bangalore, for his commitment towards bringing out such literary works despite facing severe health problems.

Star of Mysore Editor-in-Chief K.B. Ganapathy inaugurated a book exhibition at the Gallery which will be open today and tomorrow from 10 am to 7.30 pm.

Speaking on the occasion, Ganapathy said that if one pursues wealth and also seeks God, will get neither. But they both go to the one who performs his or her duties (karma) without seeking either wealth or God.

Citing the example of invader Bakhtiyar Khilji who sacked the Nalanda University in 1193 and burnt down its library, Ganapathy said that book-burning is not new and there will always be people who burn books for one reason or the other.

Deploring the trend of lobbying to get awards for books, Ganapathy pointed out that even for the Best Teacher Award, three MLAs are supposed to attest their recommendation, despite they having no knowledge about the field of education. He also rued the manner in which candidates are selected for Jnan-pith and other prestigious awards that reeked of political favouritism.

source: http://www.StarofMysore.com / General News/ November 30th, 2012

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