A bundle of charm


They got her an imported ‘body cream’ and she is massaged to sparkle her pista green colour every Sunday. A 1968 Volkswagen Beetle, she is the “happiness” of GB Ravichandra’s family. The best-selling car for the longest time, she has a unique body shape with fins, a rear engine, and a huge boot space at the front.

A classic beauty, she was the childhood dream of Ravichandra who says, “I watched the Beetle rallies as a kid. It was after 20 years that I am able to own one.”
He adds that his dream would not have been fulfilled if it was not for his wife Bharathi. “Although I wanted to own a Beetle, I was skeptical about spending money on it, as it is an expensive hobby. My wife’s support was and is still the biggest boost to my passion.”

It is not just the Beetle that takes him back to his childhood. He also owns a Bajaj scooter. He explains, “It belonged to my dad Bhaskarayya. A family of four — my father, mother, sister and I — have travelled all around in this scooter. With the four of us, there would be some extra luggage too. My father was very passionate and cared more for his scooter than his wife!” A layman’s mode of transport, it is in good running condition and has a humble charm.

His passionate collection of many antique and classic things has led his daughters — Aishwarya and Aashika — to follow his footsteps.

“The passion is completely passed on as we, at the beginning, did not understand the so-called antique charm. But we are a part of it now and have emotions attached to our Beetle,”  they say in unison. They call it a package of love and happiness and Aashika says, “I love the rallies that happen in the City and it is exciting to see many colourful Beetles moving in a single lane. We have made so many friends who share the same passion because of this car.”

Bharathi is equally passionate about this small car and she has made it a point to include the car in every family celebration. “During birthdays or anniversary celebrations, we make sure to deck the car with flowers and placards and take her for a drive with all family members. She is a part of every special

There is a story behind the car’s arrival which he summerises, “I saw an advertisement and she was in Cochin. Hesitant, but later encouraged by my wife, I flew to Cochin. She was in a bad condition and it was an expensive affair. However, I picked her up and got her to Bengaluru in a truck.” She was restored and it took him a year to find the right mechanics and get her back in shape. “Some parts were not original and I had to source them from abroad. It took me a year to get everything fixed — all to her original charm,” he adds.

A left hand drive car, she is a showstopper in the busy traffic and Bharathi says, “While taking her for a drive, people first tend to look at the driving seat, which is usually on the right and jovially think that a lady is driving. Sometimes, we even pretend to hold a rod in the front trying to fool them and this is a fun process.” She adds that the car is a bit tougher to drive because of the left hand steering.

They own another unusual car — 2004 Ambassador Avigo — that has a body shape of a classic ambassador, but a power steering with all the modern amenities. “There are about only hundred cars produced in India and this is made to look like a 1960 model,” he says. He comments on the technology of the classic cars and says, “They are very superior and reliable. The engine parts of this Beetle are rugged and the car does not topple.” With a dream to own many cars including the Citroen 1970 and a classic Mercedes Benz, he concludes, “It has taken me twenty years to own a Beetle and I will never let go of her.”

source: http://www.deccanherald.com / Deccan Herald / Home> Supplements> MetroLife / by Prajna GR, Bengaluru / DHNS – July 07th, 2015

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