Bengaluru scientists develop nano drug for osteoporosis

Bengaluru :

A nano drug and mega relief for those niggling joint pains? In a novel development, a team of engineers and pharmacologists from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy has come up with nano particles that can stimulate growth of bone-forming cells and deliver the drug used for osteoporosis.

Quoting various studies, the team pointed out that at least nine million bone fractures occur annually due to osteoporosis, a progressive bone disease in which the bone loses both its mass and density.

“Current treatment regimes involve restricting further bone damage, but not restoring previous strength. Zoledronic acid (ZOL) is the commonly used drug. It has successfully reduced risk of fracture in postmenopausal women. However, its prolonged use can cause several adverse effects like unwanted bone changes,” the team said.

The team has now come up with a modified ZOL drug, proven effective in treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. What makes this novel mode of treatment even more special is the use of nano particles for drug delivery. These are made of synthetic hydroxyapatite (HA). HA is naturally present in our bodies: it makes up bone mineral and the matrix of teeth and stimulates bone-forming cells.

“We’ve designed a new formulation, where the ZOL is first adsorbed on nano particles of hydroxyapatite and carried to osteoporotic bone by intravenous injection,” said Deepak Kumar Khajuria, lead author of the team. The team has been able to demonstrate successfully that this formulation not only prevents further bone loss, but also stimulates bone growth, he added.

The team used 12-week-old female rats, whose ovaries were removed so that bone remodelling would not occur. Various doses of HA, ZOL and a combination of both were tested on the rats. Three months after the treatment, the lumbar vertebra and femur (thigh bone) was tested for mechanical properties. Both showed better strength and structure after the combined treatment.


* IISc-Al Ameen team modifies Zoledronic acid, common drug for osteoporosis

* Team develops nano particles as carriers of the drug

* Nano particles are made of synthetic hydroxyapatite

* New ZOL drug prevents bone loss, stimulates its growth, claims team

source: / The Times of India / Home> City> Bengaluru / TNN / November 11th, 2014

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