Multipurpose fruit KOKAM: Saviour of your heart


by Dr. Sathyanarayana Bhat

Principal, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Mysore

The fruits of the Kokam can be used for cooking. It can be explored as best industrial commodity. Nevertheless, it shall also be used as best medicine to save your heart and stomach from ailments. Garcinia indica is the scientific name of the fruit. African and Asian evergreen forests have over 200 species of Garcinia.

Mangosteen is the well-known fruit from this genus across the globe. Among these, Garcinia indica is endemic to Western ghats, particularly, right from Gujarat belt up to Kanyakumari ranges. An evergreen tree with shiny oval leaves, it reaches up to ten meters tall. Garcinia indica is found in forest lands, riversides and wastelands. These plants prefer evergreen forests, but sometimes they also thrive in areas with relatively low rainfall. It is also cultivated on a small scale.

Of late, few attempts are made to grow this useful tree as avenue tree on roadsides. It has a beautiful crown and canopy too. Best selection for coffee estates too as it does not require irrigation, spraying of pesticides or fertilisers.

The peel of fruit is dried under sun to get aamsul or kokam. It is used as a slightly sour spice in recipes from Goa, Karnataka and Maharashtra. Even star hotels serve a dish named as Kokam De Soup. Kokam peel yields a peculiar flavour and blackish red colour. It is a preferred substitute for tamarind and tomatoes in curries. It is the best choice among these. It is also used in cuisine from Gujarat where it is frequently used to add flavour and tartness to dhal, for flavour balance, and parts of South India. The syrup prepared out of its pulp is used to make kokum sherbet. Kokum squash or kokum concentrate is used in preparing a drink, which is bright red in colour. It improves digestion and cools the body during summer. The dried peel can be used round the year.

Sixty years ago, few studies conducted at IISc., Bangalore, reveal that the seed butter of Kokam fruit, is a wonderful wound healer. Burns and foot crack can get better with mere few applications. This is the major industrial potential of the tree. Many studies reveal the anti-cholesterol as well as potential heart tonic effects are not so popular.

Charaka Samhitha, 3000 years old text on Internal Medicine designates Vrikshamla (Kokam) and Amlavethasa (another Garcinia sp) as best heart tonics. Both are best food as well as medicine. During this Dasara, let us decide to go for herbal. Let us make our heart strong.

[Dr. Sathyanarayana Bhat can be contacted on Ph:0821-2444701 or Mob:91-09448081005 or]

source: / Star of Mysore / Home> Feature Articles  / Wednesday, October 01st, 2014

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