First Gujarati Leader in America


The occasion of Prime Minister Modi’s historic visit to the US brings to mind “Virchand Raghavji Gandhi,” a barrister and religious scholar, who is widely regarded as “the first Gujarati leader to make a public visit to the US.”

A prized archival photograph showing “Virchand Gandhi (turbaned at extreme left) with Swami Vivekananda with a flowing turban in the centre at the World Parliament of Religions, Chicago, 1893.”
A prized archival photograph showing “Virchand Gandhi (turbaned at extreme left) with Swami Vivekananda with a flowing turban in the centre at the World Parliament of Religions, Chicago, 1893.”

Virchand Gandhi (1864-1901) represented Jainism at the World’s Parliament of Religions (Chicago, 1893), where Swami Vivekananda made his immortal speech. Virchand Gandhi delivered more than 500 lectures on religion and philosophy across the US and Europe, and is often hailed as the Father of American Jainism.

Mrs. Howard, an American woman, became his foremost disciple, almost like Sister Nivedita in the case of Swami Vivekananda, and was among the first converts to the tenets of Jainism under his influence.

—S. G. Seetharam

Gita Road


source: / Star of Mysore / Home> Voice of the Reader / Tuesday,  September 30th,  2014

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