City students Deia Urs and Vibha Mugwe top in CBSE Science Expo

Selected for National-level exhibition to be held in Delhi in October 2014

Vibha G. Mugwe and Deia S. Urs are seen receiving the Certificate from Dr. Roopa Prakash, Scientist, IISc, Bangalore as Manjula Raman, Principal, Army Public School, Bangalore, looks on.
Vibha G. Mugwe and Deia S. Urs are seen receiving the Certificate from
Dr. Roopa Prakash, Scientist, IISc, Bangalore as Manjula Raman, Principal, Army Public School, Bangalore, looks on.


Mysore :

The 2104 CBSE Regional-level Science Exhibition was held at Army Public School in Bangalore from June 27 to 29.

Over 80 teams representing about 50 Schools from all over the State participated in the science exhibition. The themes included technology, environment, health, energy, agriculture, robotics, mathematical models etc. Other topics included bio-plastic, unmanned aerial pesticide sprayer, fiber optics, windmill and many more.

City’s students — Deia S. Urs and Vibha G. Mugwe — 8th standard students of Vidya Vardhaka Sangha B. M. Shri Educational Institutions, Kuvempunagar, won the first place in the exhibition for their theme ‘Back to Roots: Natural Colours Vs Artificial Colours.’

‘Back to Roots’ is a concept of painting clay Ganesha idols with natural colours extracted manually from seeds, roots, leaves, flowers, fruits and vegetables in order to avoid polluting water even though the idols are immersed in lakes or ponds during Ganesha festival.

Bixa orellana was used to extract orangish red, clitorea ternata for blue, basella alba for purple, geranium for pinkish red, spinach for green, beetroot for brownish red, sandalwood bark for brown, turmeric for yellow. Lime for white, soap stone for cream and dried banana peel for black to name a few. Using these natural colours, three Ganesha idols were decoratively painted and kept at the science exhibition.

Guided by Anupana Padaki, a case study of a popular lake in Mysore was undertaken by the students. Water samples were taken and tested for pollutants and other contamination. Charts and presentation representing the contamination level of water due to immersion of oil painted Ganesha idols in the lake, its effect on the life of the fish and other dependent animals, interview with the locals about the type of Ganesha festival celebrations, percentage of people in the area celebrating Ganesha festival with oil painted Ganesha idols, and with eco-friendly Ganesha idols, and creating awareness to the locals about eco-friendly festival celebrations were shown by the duo at the exhibition.

Immaculate explanation, smart presentation of charts, facts and figures of the study and proper demonstration of the theme helped them to win the first place. They will be representing the Zone at the National-level Science exhibition to be held in Delhi in October 2014.

source: / Star of Mysore / Home> General News / July 04th, 2014

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