Mangalore: Muller Model United Nations – 2014

Mangalore :

The students’ welfare Committee of Father Muller Medical College organized city’s first ever ‘Muller Model United Nations’ for the student community at decennial memorial hall, here from Thursday March 21 to Friday March 22.

Father Muller Charitable Institutions director Fr Patrick Rodrigues was the chief guest present on the occasion.

Father Muller Medical College administrator Fr Rudolph Ravi D’Sa, St Aloysius College political science lecturer Dr Rose Veera D’Souza, students’ welfare Committee co-ordinator Dr Shailaja were present on the dais.

Speaking on the occasion, Fr Rodrigues said, ‘Its eye pleasing to see the 193 flags of UN member states fluttering in front of the UNO building. It has a great significance,’ said Fr Rodrigues.

Fr Rodrigues further said, ‘United Nation Organization is a forum where the delegates representing their country from all over the world exchange and share ideas related to various issues that affect the humanity and the globe. It’s a platform where ideas are thrashed out and the whole world listens. UNO has a great moral power and the UN member states are bound to follow the resolution by UNO. Today a same kind of forum has been created for the students where they can discuss on various world issues. But the significant fact is that how well one is able to present, put words powerfully and convince the fellow participants,’ said Fr Rodrigues.

Model United Nations enables the students to assume positions as delegates of different countries. The aim of MUN is to have a discussion on world topics and to arrive to suitable conclusion. It aims to train and nurture the students to develop a sense of research, knowledge on various world issues, current affair and leadership skills.

source: / / Home> News / by Anjali Rai – Bellevision Media Network / Mangalore – March 22nd, 2014

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