Shamba Joshi – A Unique Kannada Scholar


Shankara Baladikshita Joshi (1896 – 1991) was one of the greatest scholars who delved deep into the prehistory of Kannada language. At a time when the antiquity of Kannada and its environs were not clear, Joshi chose this difficult aspect of Kannada language as his main interest.

In the bargain he also discussed the meanings of different forms of the word Karnataka by which form it was known to our ancient people. These are difficult paths to choose and scholars dreaded to enter into it. But like a lone ranger, Shamba went deep into it and became successful and won the admiration and respect from scholars. As this is not a popular ad eye-catching field of study, Shamba is known only to scholars and not to masses.

Shamba Joshi as he is popularly known was born on 4-01-1896 in a small village Gurlahosur in Savadatti taluk of Begaum district. This village is not in existence now as it was submerged under the waters of Malaprabha. In the floods, his house was also washed away and hence the family shifted to Poona, the place of his grandmother. It gave him an opportunity to meet Lokamanya Tilak and he became a freedom fighter.

After sometime, he returned to Dharwad and became a trained Kannada teacher and got a job in Chikkodi. When Gandhiji visited Chikkodi, he enlisted himself as a volunteer, and began wearing Khadi. For this act, government began harassing him and consequently he left the job. He became Secretary of the Karnataka Unification movement in 1924. He was arrested and was sent to jail for six months. Subsequently, he joined as a teacher and worked from 1928 to 1946, and finally he retired.

Origins of Kannada

When he was participating in the Karnataka unification movement, he acquainted himself with Alur Venkata Rao’s book ‘Karnataka Gathavaibhavagalu’. He was inspired by this book to go deeper into the antiquity of Kannada and Karnataka. His main questions were: What is the meaning of the words Kannada and Karnataka? When did they come into existence? Who were the people who lived in Kannada land? Where did they come from? Did the mention of Cauvery, Godavari in Kavirajamarga has any historical basis? These questions came to his mind. He dedicated himself to find out the answers to these questions throughout his lifetime and enriched the Kannada language.

As a prelude to his research, he wrote a book Kanmareyada Kannada (disappeared Kannada) and identified Narmada – Godavari region as the original Karnataka, which in course of time was lost to Kannadigas. Most scholars have agreed with his opinion. Thus, he laid firm foundations for the study of a wider Karnataka, than what we have today.

Marathi and Marahatti 

Another startling discovery he made was about Maharashtra. He made it clear that Marathi is of recent origin as compared to Kannada. Marathi is Marahatti which means people who worshipped the goddess tree. Hatti is a Kannada word and obviously people who lived in Karnataka area from the Vedic age were these people of prehistoric character. Thus they are the original dwellers of this area up to Narmada and migrated to that area in later periods, and became known as Marathis. It is very interesting to note that some of the Marathi scholars have agreed with this opinion of Shamba Joshi.

Shamba always goes to the root of the problems to understand their significance. In fact he has written a book on old habits or traditions with historical leanings. Look at this humorous example, Stitching needle had not yet been discovered and the ancient Brahmanas used only unstitched clothes like dhoti. Even images of gods and goddesses were made to wear the unstitched clothes. But when the needle was discovered, they did not use the stitched clothes and looked at them as un-Indian and non-traditional and never used them even in their day-to-day life also. Thus he ridicules this practice which has no meaning.

Character of gods and goddesses 

Shamba has also discussed the antiquity and character of gods and goddesses such as Shiva, Krishna, Vittala, Hanuman and others. He considers Shiva as Non-Aryan and Pre-Aryan and considers him as a pro-Kannada God. Virasaivism is the culmination of Saivism of the early period. He feels that the existence of number of Shiva temples in Karnataka should be traced to the origin itself. He further feels that god Vittala is a Kannada deity and this culminated itself in the temple at Pandharapura. Kanhadaho Vittala means Vittala is a Kannada deity. Most scholars have accepted this opinion, though Pandharapura is situated in Maharashtra now. He strongly feels that Hanuman is again a Karnataka deity.

He has also discussed the factors responsible for the place names. Another pet subject of Shamba is Halumatha (Caste called Halu, may be the people who rear the cows). He makes them responsible for the pre-Aryan culture of Karnataka.

Shamba’s magnum opus 

Shamba’s magnum opus is ‘Karnataka Samskritiya Poorvapithike’ which won him the central Sahitya Academy Award. I had the good fortune of meeting Shamba twice. In fact, I had reviewed his book Poorvapithike at the instance of Dr. Mallepuram Venkatesh, now the V.C. of Sanskrit University. I had pointed out one flaw in his methodology namely his weakness in prehistoric archaeology. When I pointed out this to him, he said ‘young Professor! Archaeologist is a like a magician who brings out ancient relics from the earth. But a man of literature cannot do it’. How true it is. Shamba’s books read like books on metaphysics and hence difficult to digest. That is his strength and weakness too.

source: / Star of Mysore / Home> Columns / by Prof. A.V. Narasimha Murthy    / June 28th, 2020

Vocal for local: Dharwad student develops alternative to popular Chinese file-sharing app

Within a few days of its release, more than 10,000 people have reportedly downloaded the android app. It has a 4.9 star rating at the moment and has clocked over 2000 reviews too.

Z Share app
Z Share app

Hubballi :

A student from Dharwad has developed the Z Share app, an alternative to SHAREit, that he claims transfers files two times faster than the popular Chinese app.

Within a few days of its release, more than 10,000 people have reportedly downloaded the android app. It has a 4.9 star rating at the moment and has clocked over 2000 reviews too.

Shravan Vasant Hegde from Kansur village near Sirsi in Uttara Kannada district, pursuing his BCA degree from CSI College in Dharwad, is the developer.

He says he developed the app within 15 days, and with the help of his cousin, who is into software, made his newly developed Z Share app available on Google Playstore.

Shravan says he has experience in developing apps and had developed a couple of apps for Karnatak University students already.

“After Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s words to go desi, I thought of developing the app and started to develop the app in the beginning of June. Within two weeks, I completely developed it and now it is available on playstore. I have plans to release it on iOS too,” he added.

The app transfers files like images, videos, pdfs and other types. The average speed is about 6 mbps, which is double that the Chinese app currently offers, Shravan claims. When the users are using the latest phones the transfer speed reaches a max of 10 mbps too, he went on to say.

source: / The New Indian Express / Home> States> Karnataka / by Arunkumar Huralimath / Express News Service / June 29th, 2020

For the record

Ask Rahul Murali Krishnan (23) to subtract 100-digit numbers and he takes less than one minute — 54.89 seconds to be precise.

Rahul Murali Krishnan
Rahul Murali Krishnan

Bengaluru :

Ask Rahul Murali Krishnan (23) to subtract 100-digit numbers and he takes less than one minute — 54.89 seconds to be precise. Krishnan, who is pursuing a post-graduate diploma in risk management from Global Risk Management Institute in the city, was recently recognised by Spain-based Official World Record Organization for ‘Fastest 100 Digits Subtraction Ever’.

Krishnan was introduced to abacus at the age of 8. “So I never really had a problem in solving math problems,” he says. Krishnan also learnt techniques and shortcuts that helped in solving math problems. The idea of registering for a record came when he watched a show about a world record event. “I was excited to see people achieving something unique in different fields.

I wanted the same for myself,” he says. “I started with 30 digits, and kept pushing myself. Finally, I decided to target 100 digits. The next problems were speed and accuracy.” Initially, it took him over three minutes to solve a 70-digit problem. “But with practice, I was able to increase my speed and accuracy,” he says.

source: / The New Indian Express / Home> Cities> Bengaluru / by Express News Service / June 29th, 2020

From PhD in AI to fruit chips company, youngster takes a big leap

Twenty-eight-year-old Bharadwaj Karanth’s company,Suvidha Foods and Beverages, procures fruits and vegetables directly from farmers and processes them into chips and dry fruits.


Bengaluru :

A PhD in digital image processing is a long way from allied agricultural activities, but in a strange way, that is what this former lecturer ended up doing by setting up a company that can turn any fruit or vegetable into tasty chips.

Twenty-eight-year-old Bharadwaj Karanth’s company, Suvidha Foods and Beverages, procures fruits and vegetables directly from farmers and processes them into chips and dry fruits. Until two years ago, Karanth taught at a college in Sringeri, his hometown. “I realised that many of my students were moving out of here, leaving their parents behind because there are no employment opportunities for them. I have a PhD in a subject related to artificial intelligence, but to start a company in that field here… there is a shortage of skilled workers and power outages are common,” he said.

It hit him then that farmers found it extremely difficult to access markets, and that if there was some value addition to their farm produce, it would be a win-win situation for all. Two years ago, he founded Suvidha, which employs 18 people – mostly students who have an opportunity to remain in their hometown, and makes chips out of practically any fruit or vegetable.

“At present, we have banana, jackfruit, chikoo, beetroot, ladies finger, garlic, carrot, sweet potato, papaya chips and more,’’ he said. The first step is to remove the moisture content from the fruit or vegetable, followed by vacuum frying, which needs very little oil. Karanth says the whole process is natural, and that no colour additives are used.

“The nutritional value remains intact. It tastes just as fresh as the fruit (or vegetable), but it’s just crispy,” he said. For seasonal fruits such as jackfruit, the company has a cold storage facility so that production can continue throughout the year.

Karanth plans on expanding into manufacturing powdered spices, for which his home district Chikkamagaluru is famous.

Other plans on the anvil include the sale of products made from medicinal plants such as Amruthballi, which are abundant in the Western Ghats.

source: / The New Indian Express / Home> Cities> Bengaluru / by Ashwini M Sripad / Express News Service / June 28th, 2020

A confluence of two streams

To the existing epithets — the garden city, the pensioners’ paradise, and the IT capital — Bengaluru can add one more: a leading centre for both north and south Indian classical music.

South Indian music, known also as Carnatic music, is common to these southern States, while the predominant style of the northern States [Madhya Pradesh, U.P., Bengal, Rajasthan, Punjab, Maharashtra] is the Hindustani system. Karnataka has, however, for various reasons played host to both styles.

One reason is that the erstwhile Mysore rulers revelled in patronising and promoting both styles — Ustad Faiyaz Khan was honoured and feted by the Mysore Maharaja, as was Gauhar Jaan, the first Indian musician to be recorded on a gramophone disc in 1902. To this day, even after the end of the era of princely patronage, the annual Dasara festival at Mysuru includes Hindustani musicians.

Another reason is the reputation of North Karnataka [Dharwad and contiguous areas] as a leading centre for Hindustani music — the names of Bhimsen Joshi, Gangubai Hangal, Mallikarjun Mansur, and Basavaraj Rajguru come readily to mind. All of them were nationally recognised artistes, spoke Kannada, and yet straddled the north-south divide with elan and were applauded by purists, despite their southern roots.

Some of them specialised in a unique form, the Vachanas, with Kannada lyrics set to Hindustani melodies.

Mind you, this did not mean “mixing up” or “diluting” the two systems. It was a separate genre, unique to Karnataka.

The State also has the unique light music genre of singing Kannada poems, called “Sugama Sangeeta”, influenced both by the Carnatic and the Hindustani traditions.

Among contemporary musicians, Dharwad-based Pandit Venkatesa Kumar has been winning accolades as a gifted performer. Not all of them moved to metropolitan Bengaluru, and, yet, one reason for the rise of the State capital as a centre for both systems was the attraction of a thriving city offering opportunities for economic betterment and recognition.

At the same time, we also had leading Carnatic musicians – violinist T. Chowdiah was a towering accompanist during his time [second half of the 20th century].

V. Doraiswamy Iyengar, who made Bengaluru his home, not only became a nationally famous vainika but was also acknowledged as a leading representative of a distinctive “Mysore bani” [style] of veena playing.

Bengaluru-based vocalist, the late R.K. Sreekantan, received, along with Doraiswamy Iyengar, Sangita Kalanidhi, the highest and much coveted honour awarded by the Madras Music Academy.

Then there was Bangalore Nagarathnamma who created history by opposing convention and insisting on women’s participation at the annual Thyagaraja Aradhana festival at Tiruvaiyaru.

She even built a monument to the saint-composer at his samadhi, and is now revered as a path-breaker and pioneer.

If Tamil Nadu had its trinity of Carnatic music [Tyagaraja, Muthuswami Dikshitar, and Syama Sastri, all of the 18th-19th century] Karnataka was home to no less than the father of Carnatic music, Sangeet Pitamaha Saint Purandara Dasa of medieval times, who codified the beginners’ lessons and graded exercises in the south Indian system.

Karnataka’s heritage in terms of Carnatic music is thus as rich as any other State’s, while at the same time producing stalwart practitioners in the Hindustani style too.

One name that needs special mention in the context of the north-south traditions in music in Karnataka is that of the late Pandit Ramesh Nadkarni, who hailed from Gokarna in the northern part of the State but was pan-Indian in a true sense. He spoke Kannada, Konkani, Hindi, Marathi and fluent, flowery English, was a disciple of the legendary Ustad Aman Ali Khan [of the Bhendi Bazaar gharana of Hindustani music], and served the All-India Radio with distinction as a producer and composer for several decades.

The special and distinctive Kannada songs he tuned and produced, set to Hindustani classical or folk melodies using his unique insights into both systems, were very popular on Vividh Bharati’s Amrit Vani programme for decades. Despite his enormous contributions, he never received the recognition and rewards he deserved.

Many more names come to mind – percussionist Bangalore K. Venkataram, who set up the Percussive Arts Centre at Bengaluru, and Kadri Gopalnath who introduced the alien wind instrument saxophone into Carnatic classical music and established himself at the national level.

A Hindustani artiste, Narasimhulu Vadavati, who plays Hindustani classical music on an “alien wind instrument”, even became the head of the State Sangeeta Nrithya Academy. Perhaps no other State can claim such eclectic encouragement to both systems of music.

Yet another reason for this “dual competence” among artistes is the contribution of the Saraswat community in the State, plus the inflow of artistes seeking recognition following the economic boom of Karnataka as an IT capital – economic betterment is one precondition for artistic flowering and patronage.

‘Patronage’ brings to mind one more heartening example. During the pre-Independence era, the Mysore Durbar used to have baithaks [music sessions and concerts] in the palace.

Among those invited to perform at the palace, were two young girls who were among the first in Karnataka to get trained in Hindustani music. The late Susheela Nanjundiah, a disciple of the redoubtable Ustad Vilayat Hussain Khan, and her sister Vijayalakshmi Krishnaswamy [who passed away recently, in Bengaluru, aged 93] gave a Hindustani concert during the 1930s in the presence of the Maharaja.

Yet another reason for the thriving traditions, in the two streams of music, is the eclectic composition of Bengaluru’s population. .

After all, without an audience, no performing artiste can thrive and Bengaluru provides such an audience patronising both south and north streams of classical music.

The city also happens to be a poplar hub for experimental and collaborative fusion music, thanks again, to its cosmopolitan citizenry. In short, an exciting city to be in in terms of musical traditions.

(Sakuntala Narasimhan is the only vocalist in the country to have performed in the National Programme of Music of Doordarshan and AIR in both Carnatic and Hindustani styles, and the only artiste doing a “self-jugalbandi” juxtaposing the two styles. Her doctoral thesis was on a comparative study of the two systems.)

source: / The Hindu / Home> News> Cities> Bengaluru / by Sakuntala Narasimhan / June 23rd, 2020

Medico medalists all smiles as they graduate

There is a need for more research in the health sector, said former IISC director Dr P Balaram.

A student receives a medal during the RGUHS convocation on Thursday | EXPRESS
A student receives a medal during the RGUHS convocation on Thursday | EXPRESS

Bengaluru :

“My first interest was a seat in MBBS as I wanted to be a gynaecologist, but it was due to circumstances that I studied dentistry. But I started loving what I was studying,” said a smiling Dr Rashmitha R, who bagged six gold medals at the 22nd Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Annual Convocation on Thursday.

“I wanted to show that a dentist is not just one you go to in pain, but also to have a perfect smile,” she said. With 83.39%, she specialised in prosthodontics at SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad, and is doing her MD in Mangaluru.

Dr Chindu, who completed her undergraduation and got six gold medals in Ayurveda, believes that it is the future of medicine and aims to become a gynaecologist in Ayurveda in Kerala. Coming from a middleclass family, she is following in the footsteps of her sister to set up a clinic and reach out to as many people as possible.

The dreams of Dr Pooja R Hittelamani are not small, but show the harsh reality of life. She obtained 79.92% from SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad, wants to become a pediatric cardiologist and set up super speciality hospitals in North Karnataka.

“During my internship and course I saw many patients referred to KIMS or sent to Bengaluru for treatment. Many people cannot afford it. Facilities should improve in north Karnataka and I want to be the one to do it,” she said. She draws inspiration from her mother Dr Girijatai G H, a gynaecologist at Dharwad District Hospital, and father Dr H S Hittelamani, a taluk health officer in Hubballi.

‘Covid has exposed lack of knowledge among officials’

The pandemic has exposed lack of preparedness and knowledge among government officials and medical professionals alike, Dr P Balaram, former IISC director said on Thursday. Politicians talk of using chloroquine and get away with it with arrogance. Arrogance is a sign of disaster, Dr Balaram said during the convocation of RGUHS. Global lockdowns have now alerted economists to look at being better prepared in the health sector. There is a need for more research to be undertaken as little is being done now.

A total of 36,434 students passed out this year, including 70 gold medallists and 30 PhD students. The pass percentage this year is 82.29%, down from 88.2% last year. Vice Chancellor Dr S Sacchidanand said it was because the convocation was delayed from March to June and more students were added to the list.

source: / The New Indian Express / Home> Cities> Bengaluru / by Bosky Khanna / Express News Service / June 26th, 2020

Tiger sculpture from 3rd century found in Shikaripur

The tiger sculpture found near Maaravalli village in Shikaripur taluk. | Photo Credit: VAIDYA
The tiger sculpture found near Maaravalli village in Shikaripur taluk. | Photo Credit: VAIDYA

A stone sculpture of a seated tiger belonging to the 3rd century A.D. was found near Maaravalli village of Shikaripur taluk recently.

Shejeshwara R., assistant director of the Department of Archaeology, Heritage and Museums, told The Hindu that the sculpture was found on a hillock near the village during field work undertaken by him recently. The teeth, nose and eyes of the tiger are clearly visible.

Mr. Shejeshwara said that the region was ruled by the Kadamba kings. Mathikote, in the vicinity of Maaravalli, was referred to as Mariyasa in the inscription issued by the Kadamba ruler Shivaskanda Varma near Malavalli. He said that worshipping tigers was part of the tradition in Malnad under the Kabamba rule.

The sculpture was locally called Huli Siddeshwara and Narasimha, and a small temple was built for it 200 years ago, he said.

source: / The Hindu / Home> News> States> Karnataka / by Staff Reporter / Shivamogga – June 22nd, 2020